Temporarily In Use for Gordon's House Sale
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The Nanaimo Salon Orchestra is looking for musicians to form a new local community orchestra based in Nanaimo (on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada)

The musical repertoire is mostly light classical dance music from the early 1800's to recent times. The music will be played in the style of a "salon orchestra" - where the musicians contribute their personal instrumental as a cohesive group and do not use a conductor.

The orchestra and will play vintage ballroom music at dances and Balls and sometimes perform concerts.

The "salon orchestra" is flexible in its number of musicians. Sometimes a "full" orchestra similar to a small Chamber Orchestra - but often just a solo piano, or piano and a second or third instrument then up to

A full orchestra would consist of 14 musicans, but second "desks" are welcome. The sound & style is:-
Woodwind -3 =  flute, clarinet (Bb) & bassoon
Brass - 4 = French Horn (2), Cornet (trumpet) and Trombone
Strings 5 = V1, V2, Viola, Cello, Bass
Piano & Percussion
Guest vocalists and other guest instruments will be  a part of some performances

For remuneration musicians will share the proceeds of "gigs" but rehearsals will have to be for the love of the music.

If interested in playing, or being a supporter, or being a  dancer please call Gordon at 778-269-0552 or (better yet) contact by email Gordon at bryher@shaw.ca - subject Salon orch. Thanks.


        My MUSIC Philosophy!
I am sharing my music compositions because, quite simply, I believe that's what a composer should do.
   Hopefully some people will listen and if the music causes them to form an emotion, either positive or negative, my effort was not in vain.
 The essential thing is that I have had a wonderful life "hearing" my own music and then writing it down as best as I could.That is all that really matters.
   The music that I currently have"on-line" is regularly being increased or re-orchestrated, and thus this web site is "a work in progress" both in terms of music and files selected. The fact that there is a lack of quality recording, mastering and performance polishing is not important to me because I enjoyed writing, hearing and imagining the music of my inner ear.
    It is what it is.
  You can contact me (Gordon) at  bryher@shaw.ca
My "Four Orchestral Suites" recorded live by the famous CBC Radio Orchestra with 15 movements. It is a "limited edition" contract with the CBC musicians. Please see "Concert Music" page for details and links.
1. Nanaimo Suite   2. Lantzville Suite 3. Scillonia Suite
4. Canada Suite
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